Posts OhSINT



Are you able to use open source intelligence to solve this challenge?


What information can you possible get with just one photo?

After downloading this picture, we can open it with eog command,


But we know that this is a simple Classic backgound of Windows XP, we don’t get anything much from it, but we also know that we can find metadata of this image using exiftool,

exiftool WindowsXP.jpg


We got some metadata but their is one field which piqued by interest and that is copyright which is showing a name, OWoodflint (a person’s name?).

Let’s search this name on google,


and we got some links of twitter, blog, github. These might

Let’s follow the blog first,


and after viewing this webpage of blog, it seems like we got a bigshot. We got what we’re looking for. This is OWoodflint’s blogsite and they reveal their location (New York) and pennYDr0pper.! maybe a password or so.

Let’s visit their twitter handle,


this person’s profile picture is of a cat, on their description, there is a statement “open source projects” which might means that they have repositories for projects (Github maybe).

Scrolling down, there are some posts posted by the author,


Which says “from my house I get free wifi” with publicly disclosed BSSID (MAC Address of wireless router or access point the user is using to connect via WIFI).

Let’s search for this BSSID of what can be done,


and first link Wireless Network Mapping (seems like we can trace wireless network on map using BSSID). Let’s follow this link.

Ahh, my guess was correct, we got a map showing the area,


and on right side, we can see the box containing co-ordinates and SSID and BSSID input boxes. Since, we only have BSSID right now, let’s try to paste BSSID in box and see what happens.

When we input BSSID, we got a location, “London”


Seems like this application has traced the location of where this BSSID associated with.

We also got this router name,


with it’s BSSID (MAC) associated with it. Now, that we’ve found the location, all that remain is that github link which we haven’t touched yet.

Let’s follow that link,


this seems like a open source project and name of the author is OWoodflint which is the same author having twitter account and blog website. Here, email of author is available.

So as you see, it’s really important to gather as much information as possible like we did with a single picture where we had no clue of such information.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.